Advisory mission to PSF Rwanda

Advisory mission to PSF Rwanda

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

From May 11-14 DECP's special advisor Andrew Moore undertook one of his regular visits to the Private Sector Federation PSF in Kigali. The main objective of his visit was to work with the staff on the development of a strategic plan for the delivery of services. As for every employers' organisation the provision of services is of crucial importance as it provides the organisation with an additional means of income, next to membership fees.

Due to the fact that some 96% of members/potential members are small to very small businesses there is a need among them for advise on industrial relations matters. Also, receiving assistance on accountancy and tax tasks is much needed by SME's. The PSF could play a role in providing or extending these services.

Other areas discussed included the Annual Dinner, the Employer of the Year award and other Networking events.

Resulting from the discussions a paper was made up for further discussion and consideration among the members.