Checking the EFP 2015/2016 workplan

Checking the EFP 2015/2016 workplan

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

The DECP undertook a mission to the Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP) in Karachi from 18 -21 May 2016. The advisory mission provided the opportunity for the DECP to establish the progress made on the 2015-16 workplan  agreed by the Board in Dubai in September 2015.

The mission also provided the opportunity for the DECP to undertake capacity training for the staff of the EFP on how they worked with their membership and the services they provided.

During the course of the mission the DECP also attended a conference organised by the EFP and the ILO and attended by representatives from Government, Employers and Trade Unions which looked at a wide range of employment challenges facing employers and employees in Pakistan.