Cooperation with Maastricht University again fruitful

Cooperation with Maastricht University again fruitful

Jos van Erp Deputy Director View profile

From April to June, DECP has been working together with a team of 6 students of the master programme ‘Learning & Development in Organisations’ of the Maastricht University. As part of their study the students have to do research and deliver conclusions, recommendations, practical models and tools. DECP cooperates for several years with professors and students of this master programme with regards to learning & development in organisations.

The main question of the assignment was: ‘What can employers’ organisations do to bridge the skills gap?’ It goes without saying that this should be seen in the context of DECP's fields of activity. In addition to literature study, the students have conducted extensive field work, including conducting almost 30 interviews with partners and stakeholders of DECP.

The findings have been presented to staff members of DECP and academics on Friday 5 June. The main added value for DECP is the concept and expert-role of the employers’ organisation as L&D Hub (Learning & Development). The characteristics of the L&D Hub have been described and a set of practical tools is part of the report.

The students have written an article to present a summary of the research and outcomes. The article is available in English and French.

The full report can be requested from DECP.

Further reading: Article English version

Further reading: Article French version