DECP helps the Camara de Industria provide a new service for SME's

DECP helps the Camara de Industria provide a new service for SME's

Peter Boorsma Country manager View profile

In Nicaragua, as in almost every country, the industrial sector consists largely of small and medium sized enterprises. These SME’s often face problems which for them are much more difficult to solve than large companies.  One of the most important problems for SME’s in Nicaragua is their relation with the government with respect to legal procedures, permits, etc.  Often companies do not have the relevant information to do the required paperwork  or they lack the skills and experience to comply with the procedures. The lack of information can also result in limited access to subsidies and grants. Furthermore, the government is often not capable of solving the problems in the most appropriate way. This leads sometimes to large losses and even closure of companies.
The Camara de Industria of Nicaragua (CADIN) decided to provide a service to assist its SME members in solving the above mentioned problems. This service, which is part of the helpdesk of CADIN, was announced in the newspapers and in radio spots.
All the lessons learned from the project will be collected in a "White Book" where SME’s can check which will be the main problems they will face in their day to day business. The White book will also be the main input for the lobbying strategy that CADIN will follow.
DECP supported CADIN in the development of this system for the service to SME’s