The East African Employers' Organisation meets in Arusha

The East African Employers' Organisation meets in Arusha

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

The Annual General Meeting of the East African Employers Organisation (EAEO) was held in Arusha, Tanzania on 31 March 2015. The meeting was preceded by a meeting of the EAEO Executive Committee. The meetings provided the opportunity for the two coordinators working with the EAEO and supported by the DECP to present the progress they had made in taking forward the work of EAEO in the East African Community. The two coordinators also gave a presentation on key EAC employment policy issues and informed the meeting that the process for obtaining observer status with the EAC had been started.

DECP underlined the need for self-sufficiency by the EAEO and of diminishing budgets for the collaborative organizations.

The mission also provided the opportunity for the Director of the DECP Paul Witte to meet with a number of the Executive Directors from the Employers Organisations working with the DECP.