Maastricht University

Maastricht University

Strategic sourcing of human capital

“Well-functioning business organisations can make a contribution to sustainable economic development in the partner countries, for the Learning and development in Organisations master it starts with a supportive L&D policy.”

Students who are passionate about learning in the workplace and like to know more about how knowledge creation can keep companies competitive, are at home in the ‘Learning and Development in Organisations’ Master program; formerly known as the Management of Learning Msc. The master program is designed to meet the need for organisations to maintain the education and personal development levels that keep companies competitive. It is a multi-disciplinary programme that combines elements from economics, business, human resource management and learning sciences. Students learn to think about education in the business environment and explore available solutions to human resource development problems. The program contains guest lecturers from international companies, such as DSM, Philips, ABN AMRO and DECP.

Also, during the last module of the program students are challenged to analyse and create solutions for a real human resource development problem. DECP is one of the partners that challenges students to think about supporting Learning & Development in this case, in business member organisations in developing countries and to find effective, sustainable, and potentially far-reaching solutions. The program organised a community of learners where students, staff, alumni and business partners, such as DECP, share and create knowledge on this topic.

One of the project members of the group working on the DECP project said: “Well for me it was very special to work with a company that is not focused on growing itself but make other people [and companies] grow” (Hannah Bettenhausen, graduate from the Learning and Development in Organisations MSc.).