Governance and Lobbying for members of the CNPB

Governance and Lobbying for members of the CNPB

former DECP country manager Former colleague View profile

On 30 November and 1 December 2011, the “Conseil National du Patronat Burkinabé” (CNPB) organised a workshop on governance of an employers’ organisation and also one on  lobbying. The opening ceremony was chaired by Mr. Nacoulma, 1ste vice-president of CNPB, with a welcome address by both Mr. J.J. Speelman, first advisor of the Dutch Embassy and the Secretary-general of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Labour and social affairs.

Lectures were given by Mr. J.M. Standaert and R. Chorus, special advisors of DECP. Both workshops were attended by about 30 representatives of members of CNPB who showed a vivid interest for the issues discussed. There were interesting exchanges on the role and obligations of multinational companies as well as on how to better distribute information on the CNPB’s achievements.

Complementing the theoretical discussions, participants were also immersed in exercises whereby they were practicing setting up a lobbying campaign in a case related to cross-border trade.