Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Emerging Countries

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Emerging Countries

Jos van Erp Deputy Director View profile

For the Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme (DECP) and PUM it is of great importance to explore entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE), as their focus is on strengthening employer organisations in emerging countries to improve the business climate. EEs already exist in some well-established areas and sometimes grow by coincidence, but this can be influenced on purpose. Some of these well-established EEs are Brainport Industries in the Netherlands, Metropole Lille in France and Silicon Valley in California.

A team master students from the Maastricht University performed a research project. What development phases do entrepreneurial ecosystems go through? Which competencies are involved? What can DECP-PUM do to influence the growth of such systems? 

Read more about it in this article: Entrepreneurial ecosystems and competencies