DECP and PSF explore areas for further cooperation

DECP and PSF explore areas for further cooperation

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

The Director of the DECP,  Ronald de Leij, and Andrew Moore, Country Manager for a number of East African countries undertook a mission to meet with the Executive Directors of the national Employers Organisations in Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania to kick-off the cooperation for 2014 -2017.

The meeting with the Private Sector Federation (PSF) in Rwanda provided the opportunity to re-establish contact with the organisation and to agree on possible areas of cooperation over the coming months. The area of organisational capacity was discussed as a key issue to be taken forward. Representatives of the Netherlands Embassy in Kigali sat in on the meeting and had been most helpful towards DECP and PSF to organise the meeting.

A meeting at the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) at their new offices  (under construction) provided the opportunity to discuss in detail the plans for 2014-2017. These plans included work on a new ‘FUE Business Agenda’ as well as the publication of a new ‘FUE Membership Pack’.
The meeting also enabled the DECP to hear about the progress being made on the financial challenges facing the FUE which had been discussed in detail by the FUE Board.  A lunch meeting was then held with the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the FUE during which they expressed their strong commitment to make the FUE a financially sound, effective and efficient employers organisation.

The mission in Kampala concluded with a meeting with The Netherlands Embassy during which they DECP briefed them on plans for working with the FUE for the period 2014-2017

The Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) in Nairobi was the next stage of the mission and a meeting was held with its Executive Director, Jacqueline Mugo. The meeting not only provided the opportunity to discuss plans for the cooperation of the DECP with the FKE 2014-2017 but also to look at the funding of the East African Employers Organisation (EAEO) of which Jacqueline Mugo is the current Chair. A discussion took place on some possible alternatives which would keep the EAEO afloat. It was agreed that these should be explored further.

A meeting then took place with The Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi during which the DECP briefed them on developments with the FKE and the EAEO.

The final day of this part of the mission was in Dar es Salaam during which a meeting was held with the Executive Director of the Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE). The meeting looked in detail at the proposed plans for the continued working relationship between ATE and the DECP for the period 2014-2017 which include a new ‘ATE Business Agenda’ as well as the publication of  a revised ‘ATE membership Pack’. Work would also be undertaken with regard to the employer’s input into the Minimum Wage Councils in Tanzania.

A meeting was also held at The Netherlands Embassy in Dar es Salaam during which the DECP briefed staff on plans for 2014-2017.

The final meeting of the mission to Dar es Salaam was with the Chairman of ATE. The Chairman outlined his plans for taking ATE forward and the idea of a corporate plan for the period 2014-24.

Andrew Moore then travelled to Arusha to meet with the East African Business Council to discuss possible solutions for taking forward the work of the EAEO.