Getting to know the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)

Getting to know the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

A two day mission was undertaken to the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) in Manila. The mission provided the DECP with the opportunity to agree on a number of areas in which the DECP could support ECOP over the coming months.

ECOP faces a number of challenges in increasing its membership at a regional level. It currently has a number of Chapters across the Philippines which provide  focal points for members and potential members. It was agreed that greater coordination was required to make these Chapters more effective and the DECP has agreed to support both technically as well as financially a two day training for the chairman’s of these Chapters. This training will be held in February 2017.

ECOP is working in a challenging political environment and needs to ensure that its work on Advocacy is as effective as it can be. It is in this context that it is organising a major event in May 2017 on “Inclusive and Sustainable Business”. The DECP agreed to discuss with ECOP how it could support such an event looking at the implementation and enforcement of current labour laws.

The mission also provided the opportunity for the DECP to discuss the work that ECOP will undertake as it takes over the Chairmanship of ASEAN Employers Confederation (ACE) in March 2017.