Negotiations skills Training of trainers check up

Negotiations skills Training of trainers check up

Dirk Joosse Special Advisor View profile

On  October 28th  2013 (HCMC) and  October 29th 2013 (Hanoi) TOT Vietnamese  trainers Negotiation Skills met for a checkup  with their DECP/ AWVN trainer Dirk Joosse after the ToT negotiation skills taking place in 2011 in Hanoi and 2012 in HCMC. Most important in these regular meetings is sharing experiences and making plans for the future to optimize the use of this very important training for Vietnamese business. In both cities action plans have been developed for the next 6 months.

These action plans anticipate in thinking about the future. Dirk Joosse could also give a broad outline about the DECP Country Plan Vietnam 2014-2017. The trainers warmly welcomed the DECP planning of adding mediation skills to their capacities of facilitating trainings and consultation to start with in the course of 2014.

An inventory of the experiences and concerns of the trainers shows that the trainers hope to do more trainings (TOE) fully dedicated to negotiation skills in labour relations, apart from just integrating modules of the Neg. Skills training in other trainings. Marketing continues to be a problem: the business climate for training is bad because of the current economic crisis in Vietnam.