Social Dialogue training by Vietnamese trainers

Social Dialogue training by Vietnamese trainers

Dirk Joosse Special Advisor View profile

During a one and a half day training course Vietnamese trainers, educated by DECP on the Issue of Social dialogue/ Negotiation Skills facilitated  a negotiation skills training for representatives of participating companies (total of 23) and trade unions active in those companies. This skills training is a very important part of the implementation of Social Dialogue in these companies.

The VCCI/ BEA/ NHO project together with Vietnamese and Norwegian TU (VGCL/ VO) aims at setting examples of implementation of the Social Dialogue as embodied in the Labour Code in 23 companies. These examples can serve as an example for other companies, as a help to successfully develop social dialogue on grass root level. The VCCI/ VWEC Club of Trainers has the capacity in number and quality to facilitate this implementation in the Vietnamese language. With these experiences a beginning of ‘Vietnamization’ of these tools to facilitate the implementation of Social Dialogue has started. According to the evaluation by the participants this first training was a success.

The Norwegian representative of NHO stated ‘that the VCCI/ VWEC Club trainers really are an excellent contribution to this project: Not only knowledge, content and procedures of Social Dialogue, but also what it means for relations between participants in their daily practice are trained’. Also the fact that both employers and trade unions have the same experience in the same training, thus starting the Social Dialogue on the spot is an enormous asset. The recommendation is to have the same training in- company for all participating companies.