Train-the-trainer programme scales up developments

Train-the-trainer programme scales up developments

Dirk Joosse Special Advisor View profile

The last few years, DECP has trained over 50 trainers in Vietnam with the aim to scale up innovations in the field of social dialogue. Issues that are relevant and even crucial for improving the business climate were transferred to them. Skills on negotiation, mediation, lobby and OSH (Operational Safety and Health) were discussed, trained and practiced. The trainers now are able to act at a professional level and share this knowledge and insights with the staff of employers’ organisations and their member companies. Per item more than 10 trainers are available in both North and South Vietnam.

All the trainers are united in the VCCI/VWEC Club of Trainers. 2017 was the first year in which these qualified trainers started to apply their skills in practice. The people who participate in the training sessions are all professionals that deal one way or another with the processes of developing economy and internationalisation. Internationalisation  is the key to further growth of the economy. This means for Vietnam participation in all kind of Free Trade Agreements (FTA). To have access to FTA’s some legislative changes are necessary. The issues mentioned above are useful tools in order to achieve this goal. Skilled people contribute to the implementation of new collective labour agreements, elimination of child labour and the development of freedom of organization. These tools support management and staffs of employers’ organisations and companies or sectors to develop balanced employment relationships, constructive and healthy working climate in companies and hence productivity and employees satisfaction.

In 2017 the trainers together conducted 158 two days courses on OSH (Operational Safety and Health), negotiation skills, mediation and lobby. They reached a total number of 6896 participants from universities, trade unions, companies and sectors in various regions all over the country. With this new service, the employers’ organisation could offer more added value to their members.